CILogon: An Integrated Identity and Access Management Platform for Science
CILogon enables researchers to log on to cyberinfrastructure (CI). CILogon provides an integrated open source identity and access management platform for research collaborations, combining federated identity management (Shibboleth, InCommon) with collaborative organization management (COmanage). Federated identity management enables researchers to use their home organization identities to access research applications, rather than requiring yet another username and password to log on. Collaborative organization management enables research projects to define user groups for authorization to collaboration platforms (e.g., wikis, mailing lists, and domain applications). CILogon implements the AARC Blueprint Architecture and the REFEDS Assurance Framework.
CILogon supports over 5000 identity providers, including campus identity providers, GitHub, Google, Microsoft, and ORCID. Visit to view the full list of identity providers and to try logging on with your preferred provider. See our Add Identity Provider page for details on configuring your identity provider to work with CILogon. Visit to see an example of how CILogon can be integrated with a web application. CILogon is a research and scholarship service provider in the InCommon federation, and CILogon is an InCommon Catalyst. CILogon is an open source project, with source code in GitHub.
CILogon retiring our X.509 certificate services. See CILogon X.509 Certificate Retirement Plan for details.
For highlights of recent CILogon work, see:
a December 2024 Internet2 Technology Exchange presentation about our COmanage deployment for ACCESS
a February 2024 AAF video series on exploring advanced research use cases with CILogon
a March 2023 news item about the CILogon project at NCSA
a February 2023 blog post about our partnership with 2i2c
a January 2023 article about our support for NSF ACCESS
our June 2022 TNC22 presentation about our AAF Project with Australian BioCommons
April 2022 InCommon News about our support for JWTs
December 2021 InCommon News about our support for NSF CloudBank
Interested in using CILogon? Please contact for assistance. We'll help you connect your application(s) using OpenID Connect, JWTs, SAML, and/or LDAP, and we'll help you manage attributes, groups, policies, and workflows for your collaboration using the CILogon platform. Our subscription model supports multiple service tiers to meet a variety of research collaboration needs. The CILogon platform has been supporting production research applications since 2010. Please see also our Frequently Asked Questions.
CI that supports access via CILogon includes: 2i2c, ACCESS, Apache Airavata Test Drive, Ask.CI, ATLAS Connect, Australian BioCommons, BNL Quantum Astrometry,, CADRE, CERN PanDA, Chem Compute, ClassTranscribe, CloudBank, Clowder, CMS Connect,, Custos, CyberGISX, CyVerse, DataCite, Duke CI Connect, Einstein Toolkit, FABRIC, Fermilab, Flywheel, GeoChemSim, Globus, GW-Astronomy, HubICL, HTRC, ImPACT, LIGO, LROSE, LS-CAT, LSST, Mass Open Cloud, MIT Engaging OnDemand, MSU HPCC OnDemand, MyGeoHub, NCAR PRESTO, NEON, NIH ClinOmics, NIH KnowEnG, Ocean Observatories Initiative, Open Science Chain, OSC OnDemand, OSG Connect, Pacific Research Platform, QUBES, SciGaP, SCiMMA, SEAGrid, SeedMeLab, SimVascular, Social Media Macroscope, UCLA JupyterHub, and Vanderbilt JupyterHub.
To cite CILogon in publications, please use:
Jim Basney, Heather Flanagan, Terry Fleury, Jeff Gaynor, Scott Koranda, and Benn Oshrin. CILogon: Enabling Federated Identity and Access Management for Scientific Collaborations. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC), PoS(ISGC2019)031, 2019.
For our original paper, please see:
Jim Basney, Terry Fleury, and Jeff Gaynor, "CILogon: A Federated X.509 Certification Authority for CyberInfrastructure Logon," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 26, Issue 13, pages 2225-2239, September 2014.